
7 Coworking advantages as opposed to working from home

Rad od kuće ovih mjeseci je učestala pojava. Mnogi su to oduvijek htjeli probati, dok se neki još uvijek privikavaju. U svakom slučaju postoje određeni izazovi s kojim se susrećemo kada radimo od doma. Odlično rješenje za promjenu radne sredine je odlazak u coworking prostor. Coworking uredi su atraktivno uređeni prostori stvoreni za svakog, a istražili smo 7 osnovnih prednosti rada u coworkingu naspram radu od doma zbog kojih se isplati iznajmiti svoje mjesto.

društveno poduzeće u Hrvatskoj

Examples of social enterprises in Croatia

  Once we have clarified what a social enterprise is, it is time to understand how it works in practice, specifically in our state. Companies operating on the principles of social entrepreneurship in the European Union employ more than 14.5 million people (about 6.5% of the total population), while in the Republic of Croatia this…

Let’s BEE social – become a (social) entrepreneur!

Are you interested in (social) entrepreneurship or are you a small entrepreneur who wants to expand your business, while being sustainable and socially useful? You are graduating from college and thinking about self-employment? You have a great business idea, but you don’t know where to start? You are interested in how to find a business…

What can we learn from bees?

It is widely known that BIZkoshnica is greatly inspired by bees, their work ethic and their importance for our entire ecosystem. In order to be useful to both our planet and our community like bees, we focused on social entrepreneurship whose triple balance in addition to profit cares for the well-being of the planet and…