EDEA project
BIZkoshnica as a partner participated in the Erasmus+ projectu Elements of developing entrepreneurial attitude (EDEA). Project lasted for 2 year in the organisation of three partners from France, Croatia and Italy.
BIZkoshnica as a partner participated in the Erasmus+ projectu Elements of developing entrepreneurial attitude (EDEA). Project lasted for 2 year in the organisation of three partners from France, Croatia and Italy.
BIZkoshnica provodi EU projekt „Društveno-poduzetnička koshnica“, koji je sufinanciran iz Europskog socijalnog fonda, a čiji je cilj doprinijeti jačanju društvenog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj.
The project called ‘Don’t Worry Be You’ is funded by the Erasmus + program, and its goal is to empower young people with knowledge, techniques and competencies on how to live a happier life.